Posts tagged ‘quotes’

April 16, 2009


The wind blows strongest against those who stand tallest.  F.C. Hayes

You know, I read a lot of different sayings by many folks.  The biggest thing I gather from everyone thoughts and words and quotes is, they have all experienced life’s good times and bad.  They write from their hearts and experiences and sometimes, they say things that are memorable.  Like Mr. Hayes here.

I like this quote, because it reminds me that when I’m doing good, is when I am being attacked the most.  When I help the most is when things are the hardest.  When life throws it’s curve balls at you, that’s when you keep on going, head up into the wind that is blowing against you.  Don’t stop, for ultimately, you will prevail.

July 17, 2008


This is taken from a real cool short book(if you can call it that) of quotes from great people in our history.  The book is ‘Staying Power’ by Van Crouch.

One of the many quotes I like, and I’ll share a few are these:

“There are no victories at bargain prices”  General Dwight D. Eisenhower

“You hit home runs not by chance, but by preparation”  Roger Maris

“Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes”  William James

“Leadership is not a right — it’s a responsibility”  John Maxwell

“You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do”  Henry Ford

“There is only one you.  God wanted you to be you.  Don’t you dare change just because you’re outnumbered!” Charles(chuck) Swindoll

Have a Blessed Day!