Archive for June 2nd, 2010

June 2, 2010

Prayer for this day

“Men would pray better if they lived better.  They would get more from God if they lived more obedient and well-pleasing to God”  –  E.M. Bounds

Now I’m not saying I’m perfect at all…but what does it mean to live ‘more obedient and well please to God’?  That’s a question we all need to ask ourselves.  I believe that we need Jesus and we are all going to fail and God knows this too.  The key and issue here is what are we going to do today to be better towards and for God?  I need to strive more to be that way!

With recent family circumstances/issues, it’s hard to say positive things about people all the time.  People are hurtful and not saying or expressing how I feel, represses feelings deep and I don’t want to do that because it’s not healthy.  So, I let them out and share these issues with friends and family and try to move on.  I release the pain and hurt and give it to God and get it off my chest.  I ask for forgiveness and get better and refocus. 

I don’t find it easy to live this life on a daily basis. 

I find it a struggle at many times.  Not so much of the life that I have, but the people who continually amaze me by their words and thoughts and comments and ways.  I don’t know why I get surprised by people still today after years of dealing with people.  You would think that it’s something that you get used to, but it’s not unfortunately.

Life is funny and deals you different problems all the time.  Sometimes the dealings aren’t so kind from words from family that hurt to the core!  You would think that people close to you would know you well enough not to say things that you know aren’t true, yet astoundingly, they hurt and these people are fogged by one thing or another.  Not sure what the fog happens to be but fog nonetheless.

Then a wonderful conversation occurs with another loved one and reaffirms the wonderful person you are and helps things seem better.

I persevere through it all because HE loves me and takes care of me and blesses me constantly! 

Thank you Father God almighty, that no matter what happens here on earth, you love me unconditionally. In Jesus’ name I thank you for that love Father.  Amen.

And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. – 1 John 3:22